
Monday, November 14, 2011

Wwoofing with a Toddler?!

  How do I plan on Wwoofing with a toddler? What will we do, how will get get anything done? Isn't it risky? What if he hurts himself? Will he be happy? What will I need? Do I really think this is a good idea? Oh gosh so many questions! If you can think of more, please do ask. It will help me plan better.

Getting work done.
  The way I would think would be to start with a clear understanding between me and our host. Of course tell them Buga is with us, let them know his personality. Find out their expectations of me; how many hours they expect us to work, and when and how long breaks are. I also will use a wrap to wear Buga on my back whenever he lets me. Of course he wont want to be carried all the time so when he is down I'm hoping we will be delegated duties that he can "help" with. I imagine these tasks would be any sort of digging, weed pulling, washing vegetables, stacking firewood, feeding animals, etc. Another thing would be splitting up the work between me and MrMan. Say for the first half of the day I'm the parent that has one eye on Buga and MrMan works without worrying about his child. Then we switch after lunch, MrMan will keep track Buga and I'll work.

Buga loves being wrapped!

Physical and Emotional health.
  There are going to be risks. Its a farm, there will be so many risks its unbelievable. I believe that falling down is good for little kids; it gives them confidence when they get back up. I'm going to let him run and play, but still be attentive which will hopefully keep him away from most major mishaps. All minor accidents I will have a first aid kit and some love to solve the problem. If something serious does happen he will have major medical insurance. We qualify for Peachcare which is a Georgia lower income family health care.
  As far as emotional goes Momma and Poppa (MrMan) will always be there for him. He'll wake up every day next to us and fall asleep next to us. He'll know that when he ventures off Momma will be waiting, if he falls down Momma will kiss his booboos. But deeper than that we will have a set aside time every night to cuddle and read and be together as just us three. I plan on going to farms that agree with a one week trial before we launch into a long stay. That way if Buga doesn't get a feel for that farm we can leave.

What to pack?
I will be adding to this as I come up with them.

cold weather hat
sun hat
Insulated toddler coveralls
duck canvas coveralls
medium jacket
light jacket
2 sweatshirts
3 shirts
2 pair of jeans
2 comfy pants
2 sets of long underwear
24 cloth diapers
36 wipes
4 soakers
10 covers
10 pairs of socks
water shoes

Toy stuff
dump truck
watering can
durable books
quiet book
teddy bear
favorite blankets

Everything else
sun screen
aloe gel
first aid (band aids, saline spray, Neosporin, gauze, baby Motrin, ice pack)
identity documents - Site I recommend if you want to learn how to use a wrap for baby wearing - A company that sells fertilizer/pesticide free hand picked cotton wraps of great quality. - Government funded health care for lower income families - An article about Wwoofing with a 1yo. - An article about Wwoofing with a 3yo and 1yo. - Another article about Wwoofing with kids.

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