
Sunday, November 13, 2011

Who we are, Why we Wwoof.

Wolf, Buga, MrMan

 I'm a 21 year old female. I'm a friend, lover, mother, sister, and daughter. I hate living in suburbia or the city; to much hustle and bustle. To much emphasis on what car you drive, clothes you wear, and the latest fad restaurant/bar/club you went to. All the clothes I wear are second hand and I like it that way. I live in a beat up trailer, its not a grand place, actually its quite crappy, but I like it. Its set back on a gravel drive, I can't see my neighbors from my front porch.
 Yet still I feel boxed in here.
 I don't have many close friends, and the friends I do have I don't ever see face to face. My hands go unused except for cleaning up after my son. My mind is thirsting for knowledge, it is dormant from this ho'hum lifestyle I've been living.
I'm bored and restless; like a caged tiger pacing behind its zoo walls.
 Here in Georgia, where I've been the majority of my life, is not where I want to stay. I'm living on ground that I can't fix to be better, to be how I want. I'm not meeting new people, seeing new places, learning new things. Sure I could meet people at bars, or fitness centers, or clubs; but those aren't my type of people. I don't drink, I don't work out, and I don't like loud social settings. I could learn by going to school; but I don't want to learn from a book something, anything, just to get a piece of paper.
I'm a gypsy soul I tell you!

 MrMan is the love of my life; I love every minute I get to spend with him. There is nothing I'd rather do all day then have deep meaningful conversations in bed with him. Sadly, right now in life I only get him 2 days a week; the rest of the week he's somewhere else doing IT work for gas stations. To say I hate it is putting it lightly. He hates it too. Well no, I'll take that back. He loves working with his hands and his mind at the same time. He likes that its a challenge sometimes and takes problem solving, troubleshooting, ingenuity, smarts and luck. He hates that it takes him away from his wife and son.
 He's a real smart guy, able can do anything he sets his mind too. A fast learner MrMan was in the army as a driver, has done plumbing, general contracting, flooring, restaurant jobs, and IT. He has a strong work ethic that I hope he passes in our children.
MrMan is a truth talking, get the job done kind of guy. At the same time he's a total goof ball that can always make me laugh. Laid back most the time he's not quick to start a fight; A good ol' country boy, born and raised on the back roads of Georgia.

 My son, oh god how I love my son. He'll be a year old in December and he such a wonderful little Boy. He's already walking, climbing and getting into stuff. He's so inquisitive about everything, he absorbs so much information from the sights around him. Not a very social guy, he's apprehensive at first; But once he warms up to you he'll want to cuddle and babble and show you his toys.
 We cloth diaper, baby wear, bed share, and breastfeed. Some would say we practice attached parenting, I say I do what comes naturally for our family. We plan on him learning similar to the Montessori and Waldorf ways of education, a freedom to learn at his own pace what he wants to learn. Though he is young he already loves playing in the dirt, and getting messy. Buga loves experimenting with textures and sounds, they are his favorite things to do thus far in life. He loves animals and enjoys petting them with squeals of joy, sometimes he gets to rough but we're working on it.
 Buga loves to eat! Anything you put in front of him he'll gobble down. His favorite is pickles, but he'll eat any type of meat, veggie, or fruit he sees momma eating.

 So I guess now it's why. Why do I want to take my family down this curvy dirt road? Because I think we can do it! I think we can work hard and be happy. I think being able to spend every day with each other working can leave a heavy positive impact on all our lives. I think it will be a great thing to learn, grabbing from each farm we visit little piece of information. Pasting all that information together in the long run. Even if we don't start our own farm, we could.
 I want to work with my hands and mind. I know the job will be boring at times, and hard and thoughtless, or puzzling and complex. I'm ready for it. I CRAVE it. Being sore and tired from working all day coupled with being happy and content nestled in the family bed will be the perfect fix to my brain never shutting down.
 I think this will be a great way to tech my son. He'll have life long knowledge of how food gets from farm to plate; heck we all will! It will also cement the strong family ties I want. It will be a way for him to grow and learn and experience life the way it should be, not from a book, but actual life. he will: get dirty, play with animals, run around, fall down, get back up again.
 It will further my knowledge of food, good food, and how to eat good food. Right now we live on a process foods diet and that doesn't seem healthy. I'd love to eat better but I don't know how. I figure by immersing myself in the organic lifestyle it will be sink or swim, and I'll learn some really good recipes fast.
 And the social diversity that we'll be able to see. Even if we stay only in the US, there are 100's of farms to visit all across the country. Even if the traveling bit is only a perk and not the point its a great perk.
 There's probably so much more that I can't think of right now, but that's the gist of it. I'd love to get my family out to learn and do. No more standing by the wayside of suburban life. Wwoofing here we come.


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