
Monday, January 16, 2012

Chickens, easier to care for than write about.

           At night there are a few things you need to take care of chicken wise; Refilling the water and the feed are the first things, here they use a mix of grain and corn. Next you go on an egg hunt, usually the chickens will lay their eggs in the nest boxes but sometimes you get a spare egg floating around. Then you have to check the bedding, if it smells like ammonia or is thick and clumpy when you kick it they need a whole new layer of wood chippings. The bedding keeps the chickens clean, which in turn keeps the eggs clean. Also you want a good mix of chicken poo and wood chippings as it later gets used as compost. Finally you tuck the hens in for the night, latch the gate and your done until morning.

           In the morning there are chicken tasks as well; You need to check the water to make sure its not frozen, and refill if necessary. Give them fresh produce, they like anything green but will also eat pretty much everything! They don't really like citrus fruits or root vegetables raw, though if you cook them they may eat them. But even if they don't eat everything their bedding will be used as compost later on. Another egg hunt before you leave the chickens for the day, keeping the windows open as they like most creatures enjoy sunlight.

        Some other chicken information: Chickens are night blind, they roost and then stay put once it gets dark. They like to roost up high because it keeps them away from predators; you also want to keep their feed high to keep vermin like mice and rats out of their food. Most laying hens will lay every other day, with older chickens laying less often. Their eggs are usually dirty and you need to wipe them clean, but the cleaner you keep their bedding the cleaner the eggs will be.

(will add more the more I learn)

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