
Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Crazy dirty hippies!

Why yes, yes we are.
But I bet we'll be happier than you.

    Recently we have started telling people our plans for wwoofing, and most are not happy with this. They can only see why they wouldn't want to wwoof. Instead of taking into account of why we want to wwoof. A lot of our friends and family are highly materialistic people, which isn't a bad thing, its just not how I want to live my life.

    The most common comment we get is "Y'all are going to be dirty hippies!"
                   Depending on where you look for the definition of "hippy" we will be, and we wont be.

taken from this blog

 a usually young person who rejects the mores of established society (as by dressing unconventionally or favoring communal living) and advocates a nonviolent ethic; broadly : a long-haired unconventionally dressed young person

a person, typically young, especially in the late 1960s and early 1970s, who believed in peace, was opposed to many of the accepted ideas about how to live, had long hair, and often lived in groups and took drugs
someone who has a bright outlook on life and cares about the world instead of trying to ruin it. they are often member of groups such as greenpeace and antiwar groups that care about the environment.
they reject the established culture and are a subculture originating in San Francisco in the 1960s who advocated universal love and peace, usually had long hair and used soft drugs, usually listen to acid rock and progressive rock music, reggae music such as that of bob marley.

    Well I guess you could say we will be because; We will be living part time in a tent, traveling around the county working on farms. We will also be dirty, we most likely wont be taking showers on a daily basis. We will be using and reusing and reusing our clothes, patching them up when they get worn, then repurposing them when they can no longer be used for clothing. Eating mostly organic food, grown or raised by local farmers. Not participating in today's consumerism or capitalism, so we will be rejecting today's social norm.
But, at the same time we are not hippies because its not 1960 anymore, we wont be doing drugs, and I honestly don't think our music choices make us who we are considering we listen to everything from Bob Marley to 5 Finger Death Punch.

How do you see the word "hippy"? Does it have a negative or positive connotation in your mind?


  1. My mom has always called herself a hippie so when I see or hear the word, I think of that lovable (albeit, crazy) women who raised me and to whom I owe everything. She's not dirty, she has eclectic taste in music, she wears pretty fashionable clothes, she has a corporate job of sorts...but everything about her exudes peace, love and happiness. So to answer your question, it's a very positive connotation. If someone were to call me a hippie, I'd accept the compliment and probably have a good chuckle because, well, I'm really nothing like a hippie but that doesn't mean I don't like the association!

  2. Thank you for your response! I too take it as a complement as long as its not said with scorn. I've met some 'true hippies" and they are some of the realest people I have ever met!
